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A new way to do business together.

We are redefining the way we do business by fostering a culture of authenticity, collaboration, and empowerment.


Instead of adhering to the senseless hustle that society deems normal, we prioritize connection and vulnerability, creating a new table where members can share wisdom, support, and stories.


In the midst of online chaos, we cultivate quiet clarity, allowing members to focus their talents on serving each other. We create meaningful connections by encouraging members to sit at the feet of wise women willing to share their expertise, stories, and vision.


We uphold a zero-tolerance policy for toxic language or actions, ensuring that our collective remains a safe and nurturing space for all.


At the Red Threads Collective, we believe that by doing business differently, we will create a more compassionate, purpose-driven world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Why we created a collective of soulful women in business

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You will have access to wisdom, sisterhood, and a nurturing environment with infinite possibilities to grow your business and your highest Self as an impact leader. 


You can explore tailored membership paths, from community to cohorts to collaboration, that honor the stage you are in, all while creating space for who you are becoming. 

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You will experience the collective action of soulful, socially conscious leaders as we channel our combined strength to influence positive change in how we all do business.


If you desire to influence and reshape business practices toward more ethical, sustainable, and purpose-driven approaches while weaving in self-mastery practices and inspiring time to rest and rejuvenate - this is the place for you!

Why do we exist?

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We build and serve a sacred, supportive community of soulful, heart-centered,  women in business.

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We gather and nurture a collective of consultants to serve our members, share wisdom and content, and build thriving lives and businesses together.

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We seek opportunities to contribute to the success of members of our community, as well as local and global charities.

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Benefits of
Becoming a Member

Join our collective for expert guidance from diverse consultants and mentors, a supportive community tailored to your journey, and holistic development through monthly content and enriching conversations. It's a path to professional growth, deepened focus, and the realization of your envisioned life and business.

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Supportive, Soulful Community

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Connection To Our Wise Council

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Personal Growth + Wellness

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Professional + Leadership Development

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Inspiration and Activation

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Business Referral Opportunities

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Speaker Directory Inclusion + Utilization

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Opportunities for Collaboration

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Invitations to Red Threads Collective Events

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Access to Intentional, Connected, Vetted Professionals

How does this work?

Once you join the Collective, you have access to support, guidance, and wisdom from our Wise Council.


When you are ready to start a project and hire a professional to assist you, or you are feeling stuck and need some advice on how to proceed - there is someone on the Council to help... or we know someone we can ask for you!


Think of this as an instant board of advisors and strategic partners who have all been vetted and are ready to support you!


Membership includes our monthly Collective Conversations, bi-monthly Book Circles, and quarterly StartUp Spark Sessions. You will also be included in our business directory and have the opportunity to join our speaker directory.

(We plan to launch both directories next month!)


Meet Our Founder

Debra is a true firebrand. She is blending her roles as an internationally experienced intuitive guide, community builder, women’s empowerment advocate, speaker, author, podcaster, and talk show host within the dynamic realm of the Red Threads Collective.


Radiating energy and inspiration, Debra's mission is to spark the inner flame within every individual she encounters, empowering them to boldly envision and actualize their dreams, find fulfillment, and enrich their communities.


With a remarkable ability to connect deeply and communicate with profound clarity, she lives to gather, connect, and guide women with practical wisdom and unwavering support as they walk through their transformative journeys.


When she is not idea-storming her next adventure, reading, writing, and recording in her studio, or inspiring sacred shifts from the stage, you will find her walking Lizzie - her JackChi pup - along the water’s edge, taking and editing photos, or traveling and wine tasting with her husband and besties!


Debra’s life’s work has led her to create this sacred new space... and she is thrilled to welcome you here.

“I live to ignite passion, infuse purpose, and inspire progress by connecting, engaging, elevating, and empowering the magnificent relationships and brilliant ideas in my world.”

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Debra Trappen

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